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Monday, May 31, 2010

Re-Setting the Compass

In the United States, a couple began to earnestly pray that God would permit them a child to add to their love. Multiple lost pregnancies, a new hope was born of adopting a little one to make the family complete. Praying and fasting for God to provide the right child, God gave them a plan... naming the child they did not know, had not seen, and had no assurances would appear.

The name was prayerfully guided by the Spirit of God. This must be a name that would stand as a compass and charter for life.There were no promises, no pictures, no contract to lean on, just the firm belief that God would provide the right child for them.

The name chosen: Victoria, to remember that she was regal in God's Kingdom; Dorcas, to be a servant in God's Kingdom; Evangeline (added at naturalization) to see beauty in God's Kingdom.

What do I pray for? My prayers are often so trivial and self assuring, they become mindless exercises in meeting my supposed needs. Give me, provide for me, forgive me, and act on my behalf.

Why am I consumed with paychecks and duties, rather than things that matter for eternity? How often do I deeply consider the charter and compass of my life? I say I believe that I am Spirit led, and yet I make so little time to seek the Spirits compass for life.

What if my adoptive name was foremost as I made decisions and choices, could the outcomes be different? Would my prayers be focused on Godly citizenship, Godly servant hood, Godly bettering and beautifying?

Its handy to have a charge written into your name, but in fact if I declare myself a Christ follower; my prayers should be different, my decisions and outcomes should be built on God as my compass and charter.

Search for God's compass, vision, timing and charter design, spend more time praying for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit than the gifts that 'moths eat and rust destroys'. Through fresh prayer God is simplifying my life to clarifying my true compass and charter. My name matters, but His Name ultimately matters most.

1 comment:

  1. You have an interesting and fresh perspective. I guess I'll give more thought to my name...
